The Weatherford Cheer Team Won the 6A-D2 State Cheer Title Saturday night. This is the second state...
The Weatherford Cheer Team Won the 6A-D2 State Cheer Title Saturday night. This is the second state...
Final Weatherford 60 Mansfield 59 The Roo basketball team defeated Mansfield High to stay in ...
Varsity Final Weatherford 1 Aledo 0 Goal Addy McElhaney Assist Ava Garrett The La...
Lady Roo Powerlifting competed this week and put up some great numbers. They won the meet at the va...
On Wednesday the Roo Wrestling teams hosted Crowley for a dual meet. The boys won their dual ...
Final Weatherford 44 Boswell 42 The Roos were down at half but fought back to beat Boswell ...